
Monday, June 3, 2013

When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

After knowing that Jeffrey's fishing boat was actually catching tunas, the first thing that came to my mind to ask was how much cash does it bring in a month.

"Php 60,000.00 on average" - That was Jeffrey's answer to my question.

For some of you, this amount would be very tiny, but for me, at that time, that was already very big. I never even held money as big as that amount in my entire life. Surely, Jeffrey was living a very comfortable life with his finances allowing him to buy the things he needs and at the same time enjoy the things he wants.

Also, because of the earnings his fishing boat brought in, he was able to build another boat. He now has two tuna fishing boats and that simply doubles his average earnings per month to "Php 120,000.00".

A bundle of Five Hundred Philippine money. Photo Credits

Who wouldn't want to earn something like that?

So, after thinking for quite some time, I asked Jeffrey... "Can I invest in your fishing business? Even just a small amount like Php 20,000.00?"

"Uhmmm... hmmmmm...", Jeffrey murmured in his chair.

I already expected that kind of reaction. Maybe, it was just his first time hearing someone ask him that kind of favor.

"For me it's okay but still I have to consult my Aunt", he continued.

I felt a surge of hope running through my whole system when I heard what he said. Although I didn't know at that time how much would a Php 20,000.00 investment bring in every month, I still felt very happy. Finally, I can make my savings grow faster than putting it in a bank.

I have learned from Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, that putting your money in a bank and expecting it to yield big returns is not a wise thing to do because its value actually decreases year after year. You have to invest it to something else and make it grow faster. I have learned a lot from that book and I was greatly influenced by its principles. You might have wondered why I was so eager to look for a business all this time. Well, that book caused it. The book that opened my eyes to the truth about wealth and changed my points of view about so many things. I was stuck in the rat race and I really wanted to get out of it.

A lot of One Thousand Philippine Money. Photo Credits

After a week, I asked Jeffrey if he already asked his aunt about my plans on investing.

"Bai, it's very complicated. The computation would be very difficult. The risk is also very high. I cannot assure you that everything will go well once you invest on my fishing business. Also, my aunt is projecting that the fishing business will plummet in 7 years or so.", Jeffrey answered.

Although most of what he said was unclear to me at that time, I knew for sure what it meant - that I cannot invest in his fishing business.

"Oh! No problem bai. That's okay", I replied.

But deep inside, I wasn't okay. I was already expecting to make something out of it but then it didn't went as I wanted it to be. I can sense that Jeffrey actually wanted me to invest but due to bigger reasons, he cannot allow me to.

After our conversation, I thought that maybe this venture wasn't for me. And so I didn't bother asking him anymore about it.

Few months later, I was offered a systems administrator job by a Gensan-based private development bank. After carefully weighing things, I decided to grab the job opportunity. I thought to myself that maybe I wasn't born to become a businessman but was destined for a corporate life.

But, do you believe that there is no such thing as a COINCIDENCE in God's universe?

Watching the ocean. Photo Credits

As I was about to lose hope on my pursuit for a business, the good Lord led me to another opportunity...

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