
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Never Back Down

Two weeks later, the three of us convened again....

The male casts of 90s tv show "Friends'. Photo Credits

I was hoping to hear some good news about the hardwood logs that was ordered by Ramil.
But when I asked Ramil about its status, he informed us that the loggers were having a hard time transporting down the logs from the mountains due to unfavorable weather conditions.
That was kinda disappointing to hear because it would certainly add more delay to the start of the boat construction.
But, I also understood that those things were beyond our control and we can't blame anyone about it.

Johven was very silent at the corner and, when I got the chance, I also asked him if he already had the money in his hands.
Ramil and I was very shocked when he said, "I'm backing out guys!"...
"What??? Are you serious?!", I exclaimed..
"My in-laws won't be able to lend me some money this time due to very important reasons...I'm sorry!", Johven explained.
Ramil and I stared with each other upon hearing this because we already knew what it meant - that there will be only two persons sharing for the cost of the boat building project.

Then Ramil added, "Oh my! That's bad. I have few thousands with me right now but I wasn't able to come up with 120k pesos yet because I used some of the money to repair my other boat."
After a brief period of silence, he asked me, "What do you say about this, Van? Should we continue this or not?"
I wasn't able to answer right away because I fell to deep thinking.
At that time, all I could think of was to apply for a salary loan which I have never tried before. I didn't know how much I can get out of it.
Now, I needed to raise 180k pesos for the half of the cost of building one boat provided also that our estimates were correct. But due to the global recession, I just assumed that it may cost even more.

Ramil repeated his question, "Van, should we continue this project or not?"
"Yes! Bring it on!", I anwered...
I knew Ramil was doubting with what I just said so I continued saying, "I still have some savings in my other bank account and no matter what it takes we will build that boat, Mil!"...
"Of course we can do this, with God's help...", Ramil nodded and agreed with it.

I went out of their office and went straight to the pantry to get a glass of water.
As I was walking, I closed my eyes and thank God in silence that the hardwood logs were delayed.
As it has been said, all things happen for a purpose...

Positive Mindset. Photo Credits

I knew it would be very hard to look for the money but I'm never backing down...

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