
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Be Prepared For Repairs

I just came home from an honest day's work and when I was getting off of my motorcycle I felt something vibrate on my left thigh. I knew that it was a message received by my mobile phone and so I grabbed it out of my pocket to check who it was. It was a text message from Ramil informing me that our boat docked earlier in the morning an that it had a good catch.

A guy reading a text message. Photo Credits

"At last! After a few weeks of break-even, I'll finally receive something again.", I said to myself.

As I was fixing my things before going to sleep, I noticed that my office shoes were already worn out and I felt the need to replace it. I was expecting to receive something out of the good catch of our fishing boat and so I thought of using that money to buy a new pair of shoes.

Worn out shoes. Photo Credits

I was very excited the next and so I came in very early. I immediately went to Ramil's office wearing a very big smile. When I opened the door, I saw my good friend doing some computations on the spreadsheet in his computer.

"Hi Mil! We had a good catch huh?!", I asked.
"Yes Van and your share is Php 2,500.00", Ramil replied without taking his eyes of his computer.
I was already expecting Ramil to give me something that moment but, sad to say, he didn't.
Instead, he slowly turned his chair to look at me while saying, "But... I can't give it to you now..."
"Ahhh..But why?", I asked with a frown.
"When our boat was almost near the docking area, it ran through a huge rock that hit its rear part and the boat slowly sank. The rock wasn't noticed by the crew and the operator. The damage it caused was huge and we need the money for the repair of the fishing boat.", explained Ramil.
My face turned sad when I heard what happened.
Seeing this, Ramil continued, "Don't worry Van. We will recover from this is no time. Trust me when I say so. Besides, we should be thankful that it didn't happen in the middle of the ocean. If it happened there, we could have lost our boat, our catch, and most especially the lives of our crew."
I just said, "Yeah...right.", and went back to my office exasperated.

I was very disappointed about that unexpected event. I was already planning to go to the mall after office to buy my new pair of shoes. But, after few hours of deep thinking, I realized that what Ramil said was right. If I insisted on getting my share, our fishing boat wouldn't have been repaired. It was like killing the goose that laid golden eggs and I was no better than the man who ended its life.

The owner killing the goose that laid golden eggs. Photo Credits

With that, I learned that if you become an Investor, you also need to learn how to accept failures. More than that, investors should always be prepared to hear both the good and the bad news. We should never forget that it's only our money that is at stake and it's incomparable to the efforts of the fishermen who are even risking their own lives just to haul in a good catch.

After that, I slowly changed my attitude and always prepared for repairs.

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