
Thursday, June 6, 2013

How Does A Good Catch Taste Like

Do you eat goat's meat?

 Goat Caldereta. Photo Credits

Before, I don't like the taste of the goat's meat.
The first time I tasted it was when I was still 10 years old at our eatery.
I noticed that it has a unique smell compared to pork or beef.
However, I didn't like it and so I never ate goat's meat again.

It was just an ordinary day for me.
I came in at the office, sat on my chair, and did my normal job routine.
An hour before noontime, my office Ramil came in at our office and asked if I brought with me my lunch box or if i'll be going out for lunch.
I said, "I only brought my rice".
Ramil gladly replied, "Perfect! Don't worry about the viand, Van. We will take care of it!"
That's very kind of him to treat us and so I thanked him and gratefully agreed with it.
Before Ramil could go out the door, I asked him, "What's the occassion today, Mil?"
"Nothing really, We just want to offer a simple thanksgiving...", he answered with a smile and hurried outside.

Goat Kilawing. Photo Credits

Just in time for lunch, the food arrived and they placed it on my table since it was the only table that didn't have too many things on it. I could smell the delicious aroma of the newly cooked food and wondered what might it be. After offering a prayer, we started eating. All of us were very hungry already. The first viand that I took was the one that looked like a pork adobo. It tasted very delicious!

The next viand I took was the one with a pineapple and big slices of carrots and it tasted very delicious as well. My appetite suddenly increased that time and I ate as much as I could. All of it tasted equally delicious.

"Who cooked these delicious food?", I asked.
"Ahhh! Jhames' uncle cooked it. I think, he is the best here in Gensan if it comes to cooking goat..", Ramil replied.

"Whaaattttt?!! This is goat?!!", I exclaimed and acted like I was about to vomit.
"Why? Don't you like to eat goat's meat, Van? Or is this your first time to eat one?", Johven asked.
"No. I don't eat goat's meat because I don't like the smell the first time I tasted it way back when I was still a kid." I answered.
"But why does this taste so good and I can't smell something from it?", I asked Jhames.
"It's because of his technique, Van. If you don't know how to prepare it well then surely it'll stink", Jhames said.
"So now you're gonna eat goat's meat, right?", Wilbert asked with a grin.
"Yes but only if it's cooked by jhames' uncle", I answered with a big burp.

While we were still eating, I overheard them talking something about money.
Because I was still new to the group, I could not relate with them and I just didn't mind it. When I finished eating, I thanked Ramil for treating us our lunch.

"Welcome! But it's not only me who spent for this. Jhames, Johven, and Wilbert gave small amounts too...", Ramil replied.
"Oh sorry! I didn't know that. How much should I pay you guys then?", I asked them.

Upon hearing this, all of them laughed at me like they've seen something funny on my face.
and Ramil said, "You don't have to! Anyway, it's just a very small amount from their income. Let's just pray that the next catch will be the same or even more and the price of the fish will be high too.."

"What? Pardon me...Fish?...Catch?... Where did your income came from, Mil?", I asked with confusion.

 "Oh! I haven't told you yet, have I?...It actually came from the tuna fishing boat project that the Jhames, Wilbert, Deborah, and I built. It docked yesterday afternoon and it sold its catch at a very good price!", said Ramil.

Hmmmmm... It's this fishing thing again!...
This fishing business must be really good..
But, at that time, i didn't gave it too much attention.
I focused more on getting my employment permanency and on my professional career UNTIL...

To be continued on my next post...

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