
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We Can Build This Dream Together

Then it was decided...

Paper boat. Photo Credits

That we will build another boat...
Ramil, Johven, and I will be the owners of this boat.
Based on our estimates, the cost of building one boat is 360k Pesos.
So, each of us needs to chip in 120k Pesos.

I checked my savings from my bank account and I was very happy to see that I was able to save as much as 90k Pesos. I just needed to save 30k more to come up with 120k. We were in the last few days of May and the three of us were very excited. We were looking forward to build the boat by the end of June or early July.

Ramil owns many boats and he was confident that he can also provide his share. Although, at that time, he didn't have the ready cash in his hands, he was very sure that his boats can haul in good amount of cash for our project.

Johven, on the other hand, was still doing his best to convince his in-laws to lend him the amount of cash that he needed. Johven's in-laws belong to the upper class families in Alabel. Before this plan of building a boat came, Johven was already given a general merchandise store as a gift. His in-laws often asked him to let them know of his plans so they can help him out. Johven was very fortunate to have a very supportive family.

Transporting hardwood logs in the Philippines. Photo Credits

Before we can start building the boat, we needed to order first the hardwood logs from the mountains of Maasim in Sarangani. Unlike a house which uses ordinary kinds of wood, a boat should only use high-grade hardwood that won't easily deteriorate when used in the water. Since I was the only one who had the ready cash at that time, Ramil used my money in securing those logs.

He ordered it in the first week of June and the logs were expected to be delivered within two weeks time...

At last, this is it...

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