
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bad Times Don't Last Forever

Pouring rain. Photo Credits

Are you familiar with the saying "when it rains, it pours"?
It basically means that when things go wrong, a lot of things go wrong at the same time.
Something like you got fired, your girlfriend broke up you, and you lost your wallet, all in the same week.
You'd feel very heavy as if you are carrying the whole world on your back.
And that's exactly what I felt when our fishing boat docked for three consecutive times without a positive income.

A good catch of tuna.

But, as they say, "bad times don't last forever"...
The fourth time, the fishing boat came home carrying a lot of tuna.
Another good thing was, the supply was already decreasing and so the catch got a good price.
And, as one would expect, it brought in a good amount of income for us...

Banana Cue. Photo Credits

We bought banana and camote fritters for our afternoon snack to celebrate for the good catch.
While we were eating, Ramil reminded all of us investors about the nature of the fishing business - that there will be times that we will be in a low tide and sometimes in a high tide. Also, he asked us to become strong and keep our faith in the Lord during the bad times. He said that the Lord is just making things fair for everyone and that we only need to trust in His plans.

Ramil is a concrete example of man with a strong faith in God. I am very thankful for the way that he is because I learn a lot from him. More than that, my faith in the Lord became stronger and I also learned not to think only of myself but for others as well. Before, I easily get annoyed when I hear bad news about our fishing boat. But now, I realized that as long as every crew came home safe and in one piece, we always have the next time to look forward to.

I was very happy that day and I was able to buy a new pair of shoes from that income.
Indeed, there is always a rainbow after the storm.

A man in prayer. Photo Credits

So whenever you feel down, frustrated, and depressed about all the negative things that's happening in your life right now, just keep you hopes high and never ever give up.

You may have big problems, but you have a BIGGER GOD!

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