
Sunday, June 23, 2013

You Don't Want To Be Left Behind, Don't You?

One more cup of coffee. Photo Credits

One day, me and my friends from my previous employer agreed to meet up at a local coffee shop. It has been quite a while that we haven't seen each other. I felt very happy knowing that my friends didn't forget me although I already transferred to another company. Big buddy Arze and lover boy Jeffrey was there and also our dear friend Dexter.

I was the last one to arrive there and, when I did, I immediately asked each of these guys about what's going on with their lives. Jeffrey and Dexter recently broke up with their girlfriends while Arze is still courting her longtime crush. Aside from their unpredictable love life, I also learned about the new developments in the department where I was previously a part of. While sharing words with them, I recalled the good memories we've had like playing table tennis during coffee breaks and our unplanned escapades.

We've talked about a lot of things during that small gathering including our plans for the near future. All of us agreed with the idea that we cannot solely depend on our employment if we want to get ahead in our lives. With that, we really have to look for other sources of income.

Master Siomai Food Cart. Photo Credits

I learned that Dexter was already an owner of two food cart franchise. The first franchise that he bought, which was selling siomai, gave outstanding returns in less than 6 months and from that he was able to buy another one which sold potato fritters. In just 8th months of running the franchise businesses, he was able to generate around Php 800,000.00 of net profit. At that time, he was already planning to buy a brand new pickup truck to use when travelling to Davao where his franchise businesses was located.

Arze was also doing good with his real estate business. Since then, he always had a keen eye for spotting potential real estate deals. He only needs to wait few more years until the value his land properties gets higher along with the rapid developments in Gensan. When that time comes, he can sell it twice as much or even thrice.

Newly constructed boarding house. Photo Credits

Jeffrey now has a boarding house business in his hometown. Before I left, this was just a simple wish that he often spoke about but now it has become a reality. I am always amazed with the way Jeffrey approached challenges in life. After learning that, I also asked him about the status of his two fishing boats and I was shocked when he said that he already sold his two boats for only Php 120,000.00 each.

"Why Jeff?", I asked.
"I found it very hard to manage more than two businesses at the same time, Van. So I thought, I have to give up something and that was the fishing business since it was very complicated. Also, I needed extra cash for the completion of my 5-door boarding house project.", Jeffrey answered.
"You're boats were still in good condition, right?", I asked again.
"Of course! I even replaced its engines with new ones which I just bought few months ago..", replied Jeffrey.
"And you sold it for only Php 120,000.00 each?...You should have told me first, Jeff! You knew I was very interested about it, right?", I said with a big sigh...
"Sorry, Van...I kinda forgot about that. Hehehe", Jeffrey said with a grin.

A man in a deep thought. Photo Credits

Our simple get-together concluded and each of us went off. As I was driving my motorcycle on my way home, I couldn't get it off of my head about what Jeffrey did to his fishing boats. Also, at that time, I realized that I was slowly getting attached to the fishing business...

And... I don't want to be left behind...

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