
Thursday, June 27, 2013

How I Raised Money - If There's A Will, There's A Way

Based on Ramil's records, it will take around 2 to 3 months for a boat to be completely built from scratch.

And within that span of time, I needed to raise half of its cost which was estimated to be around 180k pesos.

Piggy Bank Savings. Photo Credits

Summing up all the money from my different bank accounts, I only have 135k pesos and a part of it was already used to pay for the down-payment of the hardwood logs. Thus, I still need 45k pesos more.

I knew that I could not depend on my salary to raise this amount in a very short period. Also, my salary is not that big that I can just use a portion of it without considering a lot of things. Even though I was still living with my parents, I still need money for my basic needs like food, clothing, transportation, and some other necessary things. That leaves me with just a few thousand savings each month.

So I asked myself, "Where in this world will you get that money, Van?"

Thinking Hard. Photo Credits

As an employee, I am entitled to apply for a salary loan, Pag-ibig loan, and SSS loan. I could but I don't want to. I never tried applying for any kind of loan in my entire life nor do have I any plans for it. It's not pride but it's just that I am not comfortable with the idea because I don't like to see a lot of deductions on my payslip. Having only a few thousand pesos left each month, I don't think I can still adjust if I avail those loans. Of course, I should pay for it plus its corresponding interest. So, loans was a big no-no for me.

Way back home, I managed to start a small backyard piggery business when I was still with my previous employer. I have 3 sows and 11 heads of newly weaned piglets ready for selling. I was actually planning to fatten them for four months more but because I was in a hurry to raise the money in the soonest possible time, I sold all of the piglets for 22k pesos at 2k pesos each.

But still, that wasn't enough...

So, I prayed, prayed, and prayed to the Almighty Father to help me with this...

Child in prayer. Photo Credits

One Sunday, when I was on my way home after attending the Holy Mass, I saw two motorcycles parked in front of our house. When I came in, I saw Ryan, an office-mate of my father, and his companion. I thought they have something to talk about with my father but, to my surprise, they actually came looking for me. It turned out that Don-Don, the guy who came with Ryan, was looking for a programmer to build a simple system for his friend's gun-store.

After a few hours of discussion, the deal was made and I charged hime 15k pesos for the simple system. In silence, I thanked the Lord for hearing my prayers. For weeks, I was repeatedly asking for this and it certainly came.

What a blessing!

After I finished the program in one month, I deployed it in the gun-store. The owner was very impressed with it when he tried using the software. While we were taking our snacks, the owner shared his future plans for his gun-store. At one time, he asked me if I know someone who installs CCTV cameras.

As an IT guy, I already have knowledge and experience about this stuff. Also, at the office, I have a friend whose specialty is on catering infrastructure related services. I knew that this guy knows where to secure cheap but quality CCTV equipment. When I learned about the owner's intentions to put up a surveillance system, I did the best that I can to market myself and to close the deal right away. I told him that I can give it in the earliest possible time and at a lower price compared to other contractors. However, the owner did not decide right away but opted to look for other options.

One day, he told me that my surname was very familiar to him and he asked me if who my father was. I told him that my father's name was "Miguel" and that they stayed at "Lerio Street" in Polomolok in his childhood days. The owner was surprised upon hearing this and it turned out that they were actually playmates way back then. They haven't seen each other for nearly forty years.

Because of this, the owner accepted my proposal and I was able to charge 25k pesos for the services.

Counting Philippine Money. Photo Credits

Within three months I was able to raise 55k pesos out of my sidelines alone.

Looking back at those days, I can't imagine how I was able to do all of those things but it surely showed that if there's a will, there's always a way.

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