
Monday, June 24, 2013

Is There Really A Truth Behind Every Joke?

The next day...

A typical Filipino lunch. Photo Credits

After I finished taking my delicious 20 pesos lunch, I immediately went to our MIS technical office to share with Ramil about what Jeffrey did to his fishing boats...

I started our conversation saying, "Mil, I have something to share with you about fishing...",
"Oh, really? What is it then?", said Ramil.

I asked, "Are you familiar with the Playda's in Alabel?"
"Not quite but we know a few of them. Why?", answered Ramil.
And I said, "Back when I was still in KCC, I have an officemate named Jeffrey Playda. He has two fishing boats. Like us, his boats were fishing for tuna. Just yesterday, we met at Blugre coffee shop together with group of friends..."
"Oh! Jeffrey?.. I know that boy. Our houses in Ladol, Alabel are not that very far. What about him?", Ramil replied.
I continued saying, "He sold his two fishing boats including the one that was given to him by her aunt. If i'm not mistaken, her aunt is also a tuna buyer commonly know as NATO."
"Ahh! I never knew that Nato was Jeffrey's aunt. You know what, they have a weighing scale in fishport and they are one of the biggest tuna buyers there. How much did he sell the boats?", Ramil asked showing his interest.
"He sold it for only Php 120,000.00 each, Mil!", I said.
Ramil was very shocked and said, "Whaaaatttt?? That's very cheap! How many blocks of ice can his boats carry?"
"I think it's around 20 to 25 blocks of ice each...", I replied.
"Whoaaa! Was it already sold?", asked Ramil.
With a frowning face, I answered, "Unfortunately yes, Mil..."
and he said, "Tsk! We could have bought it, Van. At least one..."
"Yeah...I thought so..", I added.

Our conversation paused for a while and silence echoed in the room and both of us fell to deep thinking. Out of nowhere, a very unexpected idea came to my mind...

Coming up with an idea. Photo Credits

"Why not we build one for our our own, Mil?!", I jokingly said.
Ramil just smiled and said, "Yeah...we can try..."

All the while, Johven was sitting in his chair listening to our conversation. Upon hearing us, he butted in and said "Yes, Mil! I'm also interested! Let's build one! What do you say about this?"
Ramil's smile grew bigger and he looked Johven straight in the eye and asked him, "Are you really serious?"
"Of course we are! Am I right, Van?", Johven answered while looking at me waiting for my affirmation..
I wasn't able to answer right away because I was not expecting that kind of reaction from Johven. Moreover, I wasn't even expecting them to take it seriously. Johven is the kind of guy who likes to fool around and I thought he was just making fun out of our very serious faces.
So I also nodded and answered, "Yes! of course!"...

Calculating savings. Photo Credits

But the conversation continued with both of the guys doing some computation about the estimated cost of building one boat and how much each of us should raise. I was having second thoughts about this but it seemed to me that Ramil and Johven were dead serious about the matter...

So, I just gulped and said to myself, "Maybe I should be more careful with my jokes next time..."

But, it was only then that I came to realize that deep down inside my heart I really wanted to build one.
Perhaps, the saying "behind every joke, there is an underlying truth" is right...

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