
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Unforgettable experience: First Investment Catch

Two weeks later...

Just like any ordinary day, I came to the office earlier than most of my co-employees. The lights were still off when I came in. If we were given rankings, I will surely be included in the top ten earliest birds. But still, Ramil arrives in the office earlier than me everyday and we both live in the town of polomolok.

After fixing my hair and taking my vitamins at the comfort room, I went back to my desk and fixed my things getting ready to start another day of work. At a distance, I saw Ramil filling his glass of water from the dispenser. When Ramil saw me, he hurriedly went back to his office as if he left something very important.

Working with laptop. Photo Credits

Few minutes later, as I was reading the news over the Internet, I heard the bio-metric fingerprint access on our door beep. When I took a look of who it was, I saw Ramil. And he was wearing a very big smile.

When he eventually got in, I saw that he was holding something in his hands and he immediately gave it to me while saying, "Congratulations Van!".

I didn't know what it was at first but when I held it my hands, I realized that it was money - folded money.

"Wow! Where did this came from, Mil?", I asked.
"Our boat docked yesterday and its catch was good. That's the income of your Php 50,000.00", Ramil answered.

Fresh tuna catch unloaded.

As he was saying this, I was already counting how much money I got and to my surprise it was Php 3,500.00! For only two weeks of literally doing nothing aside from praying for this, I immediately got a seven percent growth of my investment! That's awesome!

Well, I know, for some of you, this amount is very tiny but for me it was very big. After all, it was my first time to get an interest of seven percent in just two weeks and as far as I know, there is no bank that can give you a growth like that.

And Ramil asked me, "So, are you good with that?".
"Of course I am", I answered.
"How about another goat treat for lunch?", he asked again.
"That's no problem, Mil", I replied.

And I will never forget that very wonderful experience...

Thumbs up! Photo Credits

After that, we just waited for the tuna fishing boat to sail again and waited for a couple of weeks for it to dock...

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