
Friday, June 7, 2013

The Taste Of Realization

Two weeks later..

Ramil came in again at our office and asked me the same question,
"Did you bring your lunch with you or you'll be eating outside for lunch?"
"Why?...Are you gonna treat us again?", I jokingly asked.
"Of course!", he answered proudly.

And before I could ask him a question about how much money did the catch brought this time, I saw him going toward Wilbert's table and handing over him cash. Seeing that, I concluded to myself that the catch of their tuna fishing boat must have been good.

Giving Money. Photo Credits

While they were talking, I overheard that Deborah, one of the shareholders of their tuna fishing boat, earned a very big amount that time at about Php 10,000.00.
"Wow, that's a big amount!", I said to myself.
Also, it was only two weeks ago that their boat docked and sold its catch at a good price.

Ramil sat on the couch in front of my table and after a moment of deep thinking, he told Wilbert that he is always praying to God to continue blessing their fishing boat so that they can build more boats very soon.
Wilbert nodded and agreed with what he said.
I was pretending not to listen with their conversation but I couldn't help myself to talk when Ramil said,
"We really need to do something for our future right now, Bert. If we only depend on our daytime jobs, it's not even enough to provide the needs for our families. We are growing old and our kids are not getting any younger. We must find ways to free ourselves from employment!"
"I totally agree with that, Mil!", these words just came out of my mouth without me noticing it.

"You too, Van! Even if you don't have your own family yet and even if you are still very young, you should start right now so that you won't have any regrets later on. I have known a lot of people who were earning very big salaries while still young but did not bother to invest and sow something. Instead, they spend so much on the things that are not so important like what the prodigal son, who squandered all his riches, did. Now that they are already parents, having a hard time providing finances needed by their families, they can't even recall where all of their money went...and just full of regrets.", Ramil continued.

The prodigal son. Photo credits

His words struck me and the only thing I did after hearing what he said was to nod.
While he was sharing with me his words of wisdom, I recalled the times when all I did with my money was to go shopping, travel to places, go to parties, and so much more.

 Party glass. Photo Credits

Indeed, all this time, I wasn't using these blessings very wisely.
I should have been reaping something by now if only I sowed something earlier...

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