
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A bad catch causes a head scratch

I already got used to receiving small passive income out of my investment in the fishing business for quite some time. Not very big but still better than not having one. Receiving a couple of thousands twice a month was good enough for me. Besides, I am just sitting here and just waiting for the boat to dock - that's why I called it passive income.

A bunch Philippine coins. Photo Credits

But one day, Ramil came in at our office scratching his head...
At that moment I already knew that something bad happened...

He said with a low voice, "Our boat docked..."
I was expecting to hear something like "Our boat sank in the middle of the ocean..." but thank God he didn't say something like that and much was my relief.
"...but the catch wasn't good", he continued.
"Ow! How bad was it, Mil? Are we negative?", I asked.
"Not exactly, Van, but almost!", he replied.
"The income of your 50k for this trip is only...250 Pesos.", he continued with a sigh while handing over to me the money.

Well, of course, I was expecting to receive bigger amount but then it was still an income, though smaller than what I usually get.

So I said, "It's okay Mil atleast we still have an income. The catch must have been very few."
Ramil answered, "Yes but it's not only because of that. Big tuna fishing boats docked with a lot of catch. In turn, the supply increased and the demand decreased. With that, the price also went down. But the good thing was that we were still able to recover the starting capital."

A disappointed businessman. Photo Credits

After few months of investing in fishing, that was my very first time to get an income which is less than a thousand pesos.

I was a little bit disappointed and sad about it but then that was a part of the deal. Right?

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