
Monday, June 17, 2013

Start Investing: As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

And so I came to a decision to invest on the starting capital of the fishing boat...

Planting Seeds. Photo Credits


First, it isn't too expensive for a beginner like me. One fishing boat costs around Php 300,000.00 and I can't afford to raise that amount at that time whereas, for the starting capital, you only need invest Php 50,000.00 to Php 70,000.00. Second, the risk involved if you are a starting capital financier is somewhat lower. Everytime the boat docks, you automatically get 5% from the gross sales. And third, it's safer because if the boat's catch isn't enough to recover the starting expenses, the remaining amount is carried over the succeeding trips until such time that is recovered...

The following day, the first thing I did when I arrived at the office was to immediately go down to our servicing bank to check the available balance in my ATM. I was so excited to see how much I was able to save. To my surprise I had over Php 50,000.00. Part of it was from my Christmas bonus which I didn't use to by unnecessary stuff.

I spoke with Ramil about my intentions to invest in the starting capital. He doesn't have any problems with it however, the current starting capital financier of their corpo-boat was Deborah. For me to be able to get that slot, I must wait for Deborah to withdraw her money.

Two months passed since our conversation but still, Deborah didn't withdraw her money. Not like us, Deborah came from a well-off family and so she didn't mind putting her money on something for a long time. She didn't have any reasons to withdraw the money she invested for the starting capital. I became restless about this and I cannot wait anymore.

One afternoon, during the coffee break, I reviewed the spreadsheet that Ramil gave me. I remembered that there were four owners of their corpo-boat and that not all of them gave equal shares of Php 70,000.00 each. I found out that Jhames only gave Php 20,000.00 and the remaining Php 50,000.00 was still owned by Ramil. I had this crazy idea to buy the Php 50,000.00 from Ramil and I told him about this. Ramil was okay with it but he told me that we should first ask permission from Jhames since Jhames also expressed his intentions to give the full payment soon.

I found Jhames fixing a computer in the MIS technical office and I told him about this favor that I wanted to ask. Fortunately, he agreed with it. He doesn't have the money to pay his share in full at that time and I am his good friend after all.
Jhames said, "Why not? At least all of us will get a share of profit when the boat docks, right?"...

Withdrawing money. Photo Credits

I was very happy about what he said and so I immediately withdrew the Php 50,000.00 from my ATM and gave it to Ramil.

The next time the boat docks, I am expecting to earn something out of my small investment...

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